Birthday Parties @ the Farm

Come Celebrate Your Birthday Here @ the Farm!

-Includes 1 & 1/2  hours of fun @ the farm

-Use of our Activity Room to enjoy gift opening and cake

-10 Children ($5 every additional Child)

*Activity Room sits 10 Children Comfortably*

COST $200 + HST

Unicorn Tea Party

-Includes 1 & 1/2  hours of fun @ the farm.

-Tea Party for up to 8 Children. (Includes cupcakes, & Juice)

-Children will get to groom a miniature horse (unicorn) 

-Children will have the opportunity to visit the other animals here at the farm. 

COST $250 + HST

Please wear the proper footwear and clothes to fully enjoy your farm experience. 

Please no noisemakers, and remember to be kind to our animals.